Saturday, December 7, 2013

Pineapple Drawing

After  a nap yesterday, I finished my pineapple drawing.  Now, I'm trying to figure out how to use Photoshop to select just the image and place the top on top of the bottom - Grrrrr.... I figured out how to select the pixels with the quick lasso wand but not how to save it.


  1. Janis, I just looked at your pineapple drawing--what a good start on a quilt design. I'll look forward to more progress on it.
    Martha Ginn

  2. Thanks to you both! I still have no idea how it will go from here to a quilt will.

  3. Hi Janis, I just randomly stopped by, by way of the SAQA email list. I have been haphazardly trying to learn photoshop for years - with marginal success! IIf you haven't you might look at the layer system? I think you can move the pineapple to a different layer, then turn off the rest.... That's probably not much help but maybe it's a start! Good luck. PS your little 7 x 10 is beautiful!!

  4. Thanks Sharon. I've had little time to try this again but plan to asap. I know it's possible and I'm just missing something simple!
